1·Figure 1 and Figure 4 suggest that the ESB requires service metadata to perform service virtualization and aspect-oriented connectivity.
2·This is their duty as they perform service at the Tent of Meeting: to carry the frames of the tabernacle, its crossbars, posts and bases.
3·IBM's contribution of the WSIL4J API to the Apache Software Foundation simplifies the process of writing applications that need to perform service discovery.
ibm为apache软件基金会(Apache Soft ware Foundation)贡献的WSIL 4 J API简化了编写需要进行服务发现的应用程序的过程。
4·Most physicians are paid whenever they perform a medical service.
5·Perform meritorious service to atone for one's crimes so as to obtain clemency from the people.
立功赎罪, 以求得人民的宽恕。
—— 《新英汉大辞典》
6·For example, there is an access control policy that allows all users that fulfill the customer Service Representative role to perform customer management operations.
7·The cloud is an abstract notion of a loosely connected group of computers working together to perform some task or service that appears as if it is being fulfilled by a single entity.
8·For instance, it might initiate a service to perform some work based on the event.
9·Both the agent and the service perform the same basic functionality; they generate automatic responses to emails when the owner of the mail file is out of the office.
10·Together, they perform this service elegantly and efficiently with few lines of code.